Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Spearow and Fearow

#021 Spearow
Spearow:  It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey.

Type: Normal/Flying

HP          Attack     Defense
40              60            30

Speed   Spec Atk   Spec Def
70             31            31

Growth Rate: Medium Fast

Hatch Steps: 4,000

Evolution: Level 20

Weaknesses: Electric; Rock; Ice

Strengths: Grass; Bug; Fighting
(Ground-No Effect; Ghost-No Effect)

If you want a pokémon that hits hard and hits fast, then this little guy is for you. There are a lot of people who don't like Pidgey, and if you are one of them I suggest trying Spearow in your team. Spearow doesn't have the greatest Special Attack, so moves like gust won't do him much good, but when it comes to moves like peck, wing attack, and fly (and others) he's going to hit harder and faster than Pidgey and equally as fast and hard a Pidgeotto. For a first evolution stage, this pokémon's speed and attack are really, really high. The only problem with him is his low defenses, but after you get this pokémon around level 10 he really takes off (pun not intended). Whenever I'm looking for a change from the old "Pidgey" route, I often go with this little trooper. His defenses, again, may be low but I've never really had a problem training him at all because he is much stronger in terms of attack and speed than most pokémon will be at his stage.

#022 Fearow
Fearow: It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak.

Type: Normal/Flying

HP          Attack     Defense
65              90            65                

Speed   Spec Atk   Spec Def
100            61            61                  
Growth Rate: Medium Fast

Hatch Steps: 4,000

Evolution: Final Stage

Weaknesses: Electric; Rock; Ice

Strengths: Grass; Bug; Fighting
(Ground-No Effect; Ghost-No Effect)

Fearow is awesome in terms of speed and attack. Like Spearow, he can hit fast and hard, and it will be hard to match his speed. As you can see though, every single other stat is very low for a final evolution. Every time I raise a Fearow, however I really enjoy it. This pokémon can destroy-if you know how to use it and how to avoid getting hit. I would not recommend this pokémon to a beginning player or to one who is not very experienced. Understanding which moves are special attack moves and which are attack moves makes a huge difference in success with this guy.

In summary, both of these pokémon can hit fast and hard, but make sure you know what you're doing, because if they get hit they won't last long. Great pokémon for seasons trainers.

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