Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bulbasaur, Ivysaur and Venasaur

#001 Bulbasaur
Bulbasaur: For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back.

Type: Grass/Poison

HP 45 Attack 49 Defense 49                            
Speed 45 Spec Atk 65 Spec Def 65

Growth Rate: Medium Slow

Hatch Steps: 5,000

Evolution: Level 16

Weaknesses: Fire; Flying; Psychic; Ice

Strengths: Water; Fighting; Grass; Electric

I love Bulbasaur! He's so cute and a very good starter, especially for first time players. Bulbasaur grows quickly and can be a good pokémon choice because finding a decent grass pokémon that's this easy to raise/train can be very difficult. For the first evolution his stats are pretty good. His attacks aren't fantastic or hard hitting, but he can take a punch!

#002 Ivysaur
Ivysaur: When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower's coming bloom.

Type: Grass/Poison

HP 60 Attack 62 Defense 63  
Speed 60 Spec Atk 80 Spec Def 80                        
Growth Rate: Medium Slow

Hatch Steps: 5,000

Evolution: Level 32

Weaknesses: Fire; Flying; Psychic; Ice

Strengths: Water; Fighting; Grass; Electric

Ivysaur is definitely that awkward-preteen pokémon, but all the more lovable for it! His specials are awesomely high which is really nice in a grass pokémon, since a lot of their attacks use special attacks and a lot of his weaknesses use special attacks as well. This stage of the three is where training and growing slows down a little bit, but he still levels up decently. The downside to Ivysaur is that he doesn't learn any really decent attacks. You get razor leaf at level 20 and double edge at level 31, but that's about all you get for decent new moves. At least when one is an offensive player like myself.

#003 Venasaur

Venasaur: After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other pokémon.

Type: Grass/Poison

HP 80 Attack 82  Defense 83  
Speed 80 Spec Atk 100
Spec Def 100
Growth Rate: Medium Slow

Hatch Steps: 5,000

Evolution: Final Stage

Weaknesses: Fire; Flying; Psychic; Ice

Strengths: Water; Fighting; Grass; Electric

This guy is a boss and a little under-rated if you ask me. Venasaur has got great defense and special attack, and his attack is pretty great too. For the size of this pokémon, he is actually very fast and will usually strike first, which is a big plus in battle. He may not look as cool as some, but this is definitely a pokémon to take into consideration for your team, because all of his stats are high and well rounded. He can take a hit, which is really great when using Solar Beam, because that way you don't have to worry so much about getting KO'd. This is a great pokémon.

In Summary, these pokémon are great. Bulbasaur is a great choice, especially for beginners, Ivysaur is great, but doesn't learn too many good moves; don't count out Venasaur too quickly, because he packs a punch and can take one too!


  1. The detail on Venasaur is really good! I love the lighting reflection, and the shadows. And Ivysaur looks very confident. But I've got to give the 5 star rating to Bulbasaur. Look at that smile!! :D

  2. Bulbasaur is my favorite here too! Although Venasaur is close behind!

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  5. Again, 3 times the comments...sorry!!!
